999 dances

I have been collecting your dances in your words since 2010. They are your dances that you do throughout your day, how you feel, what you make of the world. I am reminded that life is choreography and all movement is a dance and everything moves all the time.



999 dances

Dancing in dark skin
make my body big enough for my heart
making the bed every day for as long as I want to
let it all out
tracking where I am in the room in relation to you
oh shit said i’d do that
accumulated movement from my bones
Wounded by the theater (the theater of childhood, the theater of capitalism, the theater of theater)
hair pulling (trichotillomania)
do i stay or do i go
movement idea and solution that I created that is claimed to be the choreography of the person in the front of the room
almost silent, skirted by magazines
connexion with an african root
applying to college

scared shitless everyone think I’m not good enough but do it anyway

swing around the pole

trying to imitate what the **** my upstairs neighbors must be doing to make that noise

Anime with hentai

This ice is slippery

liquid spacial illusion

tap into that deep despair dance, but really all I want to do is the robot

born honey smoke

Break the floor

I’m turning on my lover

fuck I had a panic attack after that solo

anxiety shuffle

I totally fucked up publicaly and had to deal with the crisis of feeling ostracized as opposed to interrogating the oppression they were accusing me of

get the thing you got coming to you

elastic snapping

cooking platanos

Figure 8

crazy two-step that instantly makes my dogs bark madly every time

all is right in the world

Alone in my room

eternal back and forth aversion want


make my baby laugh

medical dosimetry

evolution of pelvic worlds

doppel-face sacred

bounce a baby on an exercise ball while eating soup


dance on the edge

I’m gonna shit if I don’t pass you

foot in mouth

tongue and cheek

I want to cut off my legs

I just need to move my body in this weird way

something to prove

I can’t think of anything to say


Nancy Stark Smith alternate hip lifting, braid swinging

impression of my father

letting go

politely rebellious



Timeless disbelief walking through a tall grass prairie with thousands of damselflies on gossamer wings mating

Timeless disbelief walking through a tall grass prairie with thousands of damselflies on gossamer wings mating

super post-modern (aka pretentious)

mourning the crumbling of my soul


traveling and learning and teaching

bitter cake

I have to be done with this now

my sister died, my girl friend left me and I fired a friend all in 12 hours roll


neck and tongue

drinking coffee

sexy walk

love myself, separate from myself, hate myself, find myself, love myself

telling you the story you need to hear

consoling a lover

Loving a mystery


haven’t seen you in 5 years

Token digital


Oedipus Rex

walking on the wall

dance on a snowflake


generally anticapitalist

unbearable lightness of being dance



I dreamt I lost all my bones


red caboose



petty noir

let it all go

i have a business license

Do I Need To Be Funny Death Dance

dog just knocked over my coffee onto my favorite kilim rug while trying to get out the door for work and running late

no more sad nights

Dance of being able to


I am having fun!

saying goodnight to the sun in the desert

in bed and compulsively checking email

I’m hungry and stumbing toward lunch


sausage party dance

this body is a force of nature

i’m OVER it

nail chew

Being something is the dance

Technological ennui

I passed my exam

studying for an exam while the baby is sick


the shower dance

First time Limon in the afternoon

drying my feet

watching-professionals-and-being-amazed while you

waiting for the water to warm for my tea ’cause i’m cold

daintily taking of my underwear

moving to the mirror in my head

logical logistics to enlighten happiness

walking next to her for the first time dance

sandbar spinning till you fall down

touch myself the way i would touch you

An improv to conger anger and formed out of compassion

An Improv as a vehicle to conger anger built out of compassion

dating San Francisco dance

when my grandchildren give me a huge smile and a hug dance! Now a third in the mix, yeah!

Xiao Chai Hu Tang

the baby needs to fall asleep

funky walking dance

dance like you just don’t care

too stoned to dance

solstice celebration earth

This dance is about…

involuntary twith i do while watching othet people dance

wine tasting dance

jump in the sunshine on the beach dance

last week on ice

holding my farts in

holding my farts in while i

residual energy, reoccuring memories

beat it

skin meets texture imagined

laying ontop of my lover/edges blurred

disco is my weakness

avoidance of physical collapse

A crazy dance for my kids when they were little, bouncing off the walls and across table tops. They wet themselves.

Staring at the ladybug with my child but have to pee dance

dancing like my arms are in the air even when they’re not

doing thinking doing

man simply dancing on the street

Toddler dance party

octopus flailing its tentacles

full mooooon howl dance.

fuck you i can do this sweet abandonment

make way for pedestrians when bicycling on the sidewalk

we are a team, remember?

fluid gyration led by the heart

Whirling colors of movement in and out of control, this is my

greeting and getting along

I believe that children are our future

fooling around in the bathtub

love growl dance

anything754.flying by the seat of my pants

ergonomic stretch

playfully torturing my dog Daisy

no one’s around, so I can do what I want

can’t hold it any longer

i’ve tried to carry in all of my heavy bags from the car in one trip

Mississippi mudbut

egg beater, shifting hips back and forth while stirring the batter with my big ivisiblre spoon.

Playing with the Sea Goddess

wiggling for joy

jump around in your room to your favorite band, trying to pretend you’re not sick

taco dance

cliff, big sur, pencil & paper score, grandmother’s ashes, rising tide.

walking down a hall that is way too long with a coworker coming the other way

tired but determined

excorcism of a past wound

sensing connections

angst of waiting

Epic Gratitude Heart Wide Open Joy Dance

overwhelmed and unsure

bust it wide open

aching neck and shoulders

un-schrunching shoulders

Subtle Subway Sway

collapsing ribs

wiggle shuffle want to die

hemorrhoid dance

avoiding going crazy

reconstruction of psycho-a-go-go dance

waiting for the bus

flailing in an attempt to headbang

falling up the stairs

freedom with restrication

Alice Walker Hard TImes Require Furious DAncing Dance

passion tango

above the arctic circle drinking champagne as the sun is always up

dissapearing dance

fuck in half

dance you do while not moving sitting in a chair watching other people dance.

working on growing up

dance of spiders cracking eggs in the rain

kick up your heels and breathe

soul dance

Tahni Tehnia

dance of cannot

dance because it’s expected of you

pee pee

l a feel good, release energy dance

Liking Tahni Holt

slow down

searching for the right words

broken love-doll robot

mystic spiral

the 9 year old in 1980 Phil Collins

stay away

way too primal for the parents

log in the surf

water the plants

in the middle of a crowd, by accident

holy cow you are dead right here right now

booyashaka jing jing mambo

depressed and searching

xhurch dance

i still think about

Drunker than Hell, I need to stop doing this to myself

maybe this third cup of coffee will help me decide what to do with my life

not so hot at petit allegro but doing it anyway

attempt to mimic Oliver Hardy dance — comic, loose, large but careful

diagonal and sideways zipper

love is holding and also holding back

alone in basement

brain dance

way too fast

I only get to be with my children 3 1/2 days a week, being a single mom hurts so much I want to commit Hari Kari but don’t because their dad is an ass dance

I wanna go home dance

found a meeting place and wont ever leave realizing I never knew, but it’s better that way

mango chutney

heavy heart

sleeping in

slow printer impatience dance, with imaginary maracas

black swan

free from religion shimmyshake

mint tea drinking

make over take

good to back among okies

widow at a wedding

love feels good

walking past something you wish you had picked up then trying decide whether to go back

walking backwards on the train

jumped out the window the house was on fire dance

breathe and breathe and breathe and stretch

that one move you do where you jump through your leg whilst holdin your other foot…

trying to make serious, honest art, while navigating the absurdity of political correctitude is like the Jishi, Kabuki Lion

i want so much i want nothing

merengue in Mexico under the influence of mezcal

tea with Tahni

Grinding at a barmitzvah

heart pounding with joy

dance with my dad to old r+b on a boombox on a summer night dance

carrying a heavy box up stairs

shake my sillys out

the my grandparents say they won’t help me buy a house because they don’t have much confidence in the direction I’m going with my life dance

shave without the blade

quiet piece for tiny things

concussion pain

the dance after the very last

i never heard this r. kelly song (freaky in the club) before

first time you saw me get like this

fine line between too passionate to fail and too much to handle

naked in a snowstorm

messy flapper

cutting colorful vegetables

I displayed my genitals to a group of young people.

the i’m-free dance

loose in the hinges

i would have made a really great stripper

unexpected and profound

tango fandango dance

im going to jump a little to the left a little to the right and then hit the floor like the worm

the “shoot me up” – tapping on your forearm like your finding your vein dance

“the diffuser”… grooving to the tunes with your head bent all the way down, while you play with your hair

everyone but me likes this

stiff shoulder I don’t wanna get close

kill that devil pride

gummy bears and beer

the kind where you just don’t care

if my movements are small enough, they won’t notice I’m dancing

like a hyper 12 yr old girl

it’s okay it’s okay

the side hustle

I just fell in love and planned our future with the stranger on the bus

walking on water on fountain on sidewalk

I’m doing this because it feels good

mini mushroom spotted tears

forward retreat forward retreat stab stab forward retreat i’ll love you from over here

yes yes yes

getting my groove on

left leg twitch, tweak my back out k-fed dance

this snitch is a bitch dance dance

wondering why my floor is shaking so much

sunday’s wash is dripping


shake it off, shake it off, I’m OK alone

incubating hunch are you alive, you are alive,your husband wrapped a telephone chord around your neck, where are you my friend

inside the light of a leaf

all night in quito apartments cuba libre salsa

wild hay loft spoon playing old time grapevine twist

post trauma glad to be alive spontaneous


bring the noise not the hype

wishing i were blond again

body to blues dance forgetting age loving youth feeling rhythm

should i or should i not

wanting to be young and carefree again

(twitterpated) he is on his way to my house

mourning dance; empty arms, heavy heart

dance of mourning; embracing what is gone, empty arms, heavy heart

falling asleep – twitching until not awake

everybody else is dancing i better dance

wishing you were here

hi I’m river phoenix

butt kicker

i’m small enough to fit into a pocket and be carried around like a found treasure


everyday dance

“hope she notices”

I don’t dance but your so beautiful I’m gonna have to try dance

White rocks (on stage) that represent the crossings of life’s paths literally and metaphorically

woopy woopy

i am in an amusment park


get both revved up and calm backstage before a theatrical performance


take a little sunshine, put it in your pocket

pulling a bucket of water from a deep well in Africa

mashed potato

experimental, tons of it!

jenerette two-step down in lafayette, louisiana

gotta pee like a racehorse

dance of checking in on things in my room

secret apartment

“Blessing the Congregation”

the “I better dance or I’ll cry” dance

clicking and swirling on office chairs in the east village

dance around the word dance

walking curve of the Portland airport skybridge

I am tired of ego

i’m gonna show you how

my heart is my compass

i drank too much espresso

charlie brown – oh i’m so excited about that

cat is hungry

doing absolutely nothing


eating apples

world’s worst dancer



the moondance

“play like a kid”

pteradactyl dance, in which I was coming down off the best acid trip with my boyfriend who played reverb guitar in college, and I walked home woth the amp strapped to my army pack which mademe walk in this dinosaurish way, gallumphing down to his apt where we didn’t fuck because we didn’t really know how

always making more

writing a resume

getting out of the shower

nose to spite the face

dog humping the air

weight of levity and how hard it is to be free

corporate cubical living is eating my soul zombie

i could kill you/fuck you

noticing my clothes being blown by the wind

nobody’s watching except your best friend and you’re both slightly inebriated and are doing the goofiest things to make each other laugh

look at me/ don’t look at me

delicate balance of personal / professional / aspirational


doing the salsa with an affable whore in Neiva (Colombia)

doing the salsa with an affable whore in Neiva (Colombia) in 1969

eyes squeezed shut arms in the air

rocks against my head

being stared at by child-adults stoned and scared with a basketball

eyes closed, hoodie up, “here’s our chance to dance our way / out of our constrictions (feet don’t fail me now)

The “I can’t wait to see him again”

why do I never dance

visiting this site and adding a dance dance dance

This is what I was made to do; Shimmy Shimmy

almost got it but never really inhabited it fully or found the right sound, liked the costume,but otherwise like Moby Dick it’s the one that got away.

untangle my birds nest

extra silly heart not quite in it dance with a room full of toddlers wishing they would play Beyonce instead of Raffi

joyful dance with uncertainty..being here now!

launching prodigals

poverty slam

awkward teen beginner’s ballet class with my Mom (who can)

nervous make-believe

if I had to walk in ballet poses

yes please

puppy dog shuffle


whoa, hey, I’m still here

how do I become untrapped

coughing so much it hurts my ribs

the “search for something truly inspiring” dance as opposed to my usual “sad things are as shallow as I hoped they weren’t”

gomer pyle

get me out of here


jeez, I need to move around more

i didn’t know her well and now i never will

i had this obsession at 10 years old or so with getting down a turn with hip/leg fully flexed (you hold it above your head) where I took it all the way into the splits:) (completely impossible & very funny to realize:))

my friend just died I can’t believe it

dying dog dance, the essence of my old dog Gus swooshes into my body his legs in my arms&legs his head in my head away we go me dancing him he dancing me

I got a new bike

trying to catch something i just dropped on my foot to keep it from hitting the floor too hard

I smell good

these broken damn shoes on this damn concrete

geez I need to pee

opening and sorting the mail

opening the mail

elephant in the room

two kids, wife busy business

Elegancy of the Walz

my half-drunk-on-red-wine, with bjork music playing, in my kitchen, in private, more graceful than if i were on a stage


pivoting from the sink to the cutting board, vegetables in hand

noodle. (a variation of early break dancing)



hop from the van, spin, shut door with foot


anything you do has my heart, and I met you so softly you could not hear my attraction but I’m such a fool for this newfound crush, I can feel the earth spin

anything you do has my heart, and I met you so softly you could not hear my attraction

anything you do has my heart, and I met you softly

anything you do has my heart


shut up and dance

making fun of the superiority dance


wake up with regret and sweet cream

go to hospital, split in two, go home a mother

sweaty soul makeout with a stranger even though I have a boyfriend

baby dear, just born

no one is watching, pretend i am 5 years old

rolling around on the ground in filth and crawling between legs

pinky thumb tigerclaw

pinky thumb tigerclaw look back receive candy slap leg ward away the devil and chant

hovering around the stovetop

sad i am crying and don’t know how to go on

on my own again angry and strong


if only i had a space and a harpsichordist to play bach for me

sidestep the truth

tick-bit girl


7th grade cotillion

spin until you drop

hang the saucepan carefully

wearing a showercap while feeding the cat

legs of lead


the sphere of energy shared with a friend

swoon at the moon

a disco competition to Donna Summer’s last

mexican congo zombification

falling down

it’s a nice day let’s go out and play

dance everyday as a creative act

ascending timeless

post performance pained sleep

relationship between this and that, how do they talk to each other, influence each other

didn’t realize what I said was completely wrong, so I will distract you with my goofiness

cartop coffee safe arrival home


i got drunk and danced and reinjured my sprained knee

flooding the basement with love

Finding out Tahni Holt is still as adorable and outgoing as she was in high school

Elaine Benes from Sienfeld


i hate you, don’t leave me

how did I end up as this adult

i don’t want to change another poopy diaper

naked To the north, to the north, to the north in goneness I dance homeward.

michael jackson

hugging my grandma a few extra moments in case it is the last time

the “open”

art has ruined my life

yummy food

this is my story (the one i kinda have to tell)

we fought in so many ways

giving of myself without giving myself away


i’m getting married today

in-the-now-or-never live dance

skipping 30 year old

I don’t get to MOVE enough

slide through the sheets


pregnant belly striptease


running in the czech woods

the post piss willies dance….you know the one.




oh, that one time when i was i was 7 at the lake of the ozarks clog type dance with overalls jean skirt outfit and perm

scratch your eyeball

getting rid of my 5-year-old’s stir-crazies to the tune of No Doubt

reviving power of dance


moving, sexing, complicated

little danceroo

last scene closes


my neck is stiff but my soul feels good

cleaning my room

acting like a giant over the grade school water fountain

cant feel my legs yet dance oh there they are

sneaky car dance when no one is looking


i am

white girls CAN dance


making Matthias laugh

going through every song in itunes/ inner


feeling all the little muscles you’ve forgotten


providing on outlet for openness and centered excitement through

hangover shakeover

cha cha cha

had one too many

dance to avoid talking to people

pleasure to: seek, listen, stay in, undertand to an almost unstainable point the internal impulses, tugs, demands, heat, vibrations accompanied by emotional exposure. that is my

this friday is just to long


I closed my eyes

leaping like an elephant

meeting a Francis Bacon painting in a crowded museum

bored with everything, everyone

struggle to kick an addiction

twitching in my seat, this dance is so good

out of necessity

i just got a letter


aggressively passive

hippie chick


kitty thinks my feet are prey

what are you doing daddy?

dance that only exists in dressing rooms

wooden floor tap

i wish i could kick higher

reaching for something that has always been within





I have to pee

Every move I make… in striving for ulitmate harmony

on going gestures, glides and slides of life

“danse molle”

I can’t wait any longer

new bike shoulder scrunch

moving only one joint
