Pulse Mountain, a dance performance by Muffie Delgado Connelly and Tahni Holt
Pulse Mountain runs with the current of land bodies, with ancestor bodies, with no bodies. Pulse Mountain is a duet dance collaboration we—Muffie Delgado Connelly and Tahni Holt—are making. October 6th-8th at 8:00pm at Building five!
TICKETS: Tickets: https://buytickets.at/pulsemountain/754346
Our amazing collaborators: Music composition by Luke Wyland and Maxx Katz, Costumes by Annie Novotny and Chloe Cox, Lighting Design by Jeff Forbes, and Dramaturgy by Kate Bredeson.
Performance at Turn! Turn! Turn!
May 7th at Turn! Turn! Turn! at 8pm! An evening of dance, music and poetry that turns into a dance party! And look who is involved: Tahni Holt, Muffie Delgado Connelly, Maxx Katx, Neal Morgan, Anis Mojgani and DJ PLNT. Organized by Neal Morgan.
A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff
A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff tells the true story of Bernie Madoff and the system that allowed him to function for decades until a thunderous financial collapse halted it.
This Wed. (9/8): Dance w/ us OUTSIDE, 6 PM!
Catch the last two pop-up classes
It’s a Fucking Miracle
What happens when It’s a Fucking Miracle becomes a multi-day experience?