Apples and Pomegranates
Apples and Pomegranates is one-woman-dance, choreographed and performed by Tahni Holt. Referencing the explosive radical feminist art movement of the 70's apples and pomegranates wonders: where are we 40 years later? Without ever finding a definitive answer the work ruminates on assumptions and associations, motherhood, sensationalism, emotionality, sexuality, and Holt’s image-bound, white, 40-year-old female identified body. She uses eating an (the) apple to identify and play off of the mythologies and fantasies this simple act sparks. With the materiality of her body, a microphone and a couple of pieces of fruit Holt is unabashedly fierce, fragile, emotional, sexy, soft, natural and intuitive - walking the fault line between rejected stereotypes and embodied expression. It uses maximalism as strategy, where messy sensuality and complicated body counters stability.
Video is of a draft of Apples and Pomegranates without the Apples and Pomegranates, shown at The Critical Engagement Series at FLOCK Dance Center. This work is in Collaboration with composer Luke Wyland.