Apples and Pomegranates

Apples and Pomegranates is one-woman-dance, choreographed and performed by Tahni Holt. Referencing the explosive radical feminist art movement of the 70's apples and pomegranates wonders: where are we 40 years later? Without ever finding a definitive answer the work ruminates on assumptions and associations, motherhood, sensationalism, emotionality, sexuality, and Holt’s image-bound, white, 40-year-old female identified body. She uses eating an (the) apple to identify and play off of the mythologies and fantasies this simple act sparks. With the materiality of her body, a microphone and a couple of pieces of fruit Holt is unabashedly fierce, fragile, emotional, sexy, soft, natural and intuitive - walking the fault line between rejected stereotypes and embodied expression. It uses maximalism as strategy, where messy sensuality and complicated body counters stability.

At Portland Art Museum for Fallen Fruit's A day of Paradise. Photo credit: Austin Young
At Portland Art Museum for Fallen Fruit's A day of Paradise. Photo credit: Austin Young

videography: Dicky Dahl

Video is of a draft of Apples and Pomegranates without the Apples and Pomegranates, shown at The Critical Engagement Series at FLOCK Dance Center. This work is in Collaboration with composer Luke Wyland.




Duet Love